“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” Winston Churchill

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day

This will be our first Mother's Day without Mom. Hopefully it will be a wonderful time to reflect on her life and a chance to re-commit ourselves to being men and women she would be proud of and not just blubbering babies.
I read a sweet article about a mother in which the mom explained that seeing her pain was the only way the children could let her go. "On one particular difficult day, I confessed I hated to see her suffer. And her response has profoundly affected me ever since. She said, “Don’t… I don’t… it is what is going to make you able to give me up.”"
How true it is. Our mother taught us lessons up to the end, and how sweet is was to let her pass. Too bad we don't get the Mother's Day phone call. Even missionaries get that.