“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” Winston Churchill

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Of all the exciting things about the choice of Sarah Palin as Vice-Presidential nominee, perhaps the most remarkable is the light thrown on little Trig.  There he is, a bright, beautiful, innocent child born with an extra chromosome.  That "defect" is his protection from this evil world.  One that will keep him innocent throughout whatever time he may live on this earth.  God bless his mother and father who knew he was coming and welcomed him into their home.  And pity those poor women (and men) who chose, after learning through amnioscentisis of the possibility of Down's syndrome, to stop the life of an innocent spirit, and prevent needed experience for him (or her) and his parents.  And pity all those who chose for even sillier reasons to stop a life before it has a chance.

Added September 13 from Hugh Hewitt.  In a letter from a pediatriacian:

If you have a minute I would like tell you a little story. For whatever reason, I had a fair number of parents with Downs children who would ask me to anesthetize their children, one in particular is still deep in my memory: a little darling and sweet little Downs boy (I can't remember the age) was anesthetized by me for a minor surgical procedure everything went very well and after taking to the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) I went to speak the parents. After all the question were answered, the mother asked if there was any way his older brother could see him. He had purposely come from college to see his brother and had to go back. (At the time parents or family members were not allowed to go into PACU. I went back to the all powerful and wonderful nurses, and to make a long story shorter, the brother was allowed to come in. As the nurses and I looked back there was big brother on the stretcher with little brother in his arms. No more pain medication was needed for a child that was now comforted by the love of his brother. It made our day, For those of us who may not think Downs are special think again.All children are special. Children with disabilities are remarkably so, and their parents are greatly admired by all decent Americans.

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