“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” Winston Churchill

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Even Liberals can have a sense of humor

(they just don't show it often)

I ran across this quote about Buckley from one of his liberal friends, "For Murray Kempton, one of his many friends on the left, the Buckley press conference style called up "an Edwardian resident commissioner reading aloud the 39 articles of the Anglican establishment to a conscript of assembled Zulus."

I've admired Mr. Buckley for a long time. Grandpa Jay read "National Review" for many years and it lay around our house. One of his other favorites was S.I. Hayakawa, renowned for his study of linguistics. I guess that is one reason I am interested in the etymology of words. (Look it up)

"Semanticists and linguistic scholars continue to remind us that words change in meaning according to time and place and circumstance. Their warnings are certainly not to be ignored. Yet, with all the changes that go on both in language and in the world described by language, there are remarkable elements of stability in a vocabulary with as rich a literary and cultural history as English."
—S. I. Hayakawa, Choose the Right Word: A Modern Guide to Synonyms

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