“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” Winston Churchill

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Call me a cynic

As Rush Limbaugh likes to say, "Follow the money."

It is certainly true that the Lord gave us this planet and expects us to be good stewards. His first commandment was, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." We should take care of the water and the air. We should not strip the earth of its' resources without providing for replenishment of the animals and crops of all types.

Global warming is a relatively new concept. Back in the 1970's we were worried about the planet cooling off. It seems that the factors affecting climate change are complex and include many variables out of the control of man. Many learned scientists have a variety of opinions and theories about climate change and debate on the subject may be profitable. Why then, is there a movement, lead by Al Gore and his associates, to cut off debate on the issue and to insist that any who have different opinions are in a tiny, tiny minority, and also wrong.

I think there is a simple answer. As outlined in the link highlighted, former VP Gore has formed a company to profit from the trading of carbon credits and other things "green". He is currently becoming very rich by his promotion of the global warming mantra, but he stands to make hundreds of millions when the government creates shortages by imposing limits on carbon emissions and makes a market for carbon trading.

Frankly, we are all in for it; namely another huge, useless government bureaucracy meaning more restrictions of our freedom and enormous transfer of wealth away from producers to a favored class because all three of our remaining candidates have declared their support of "fighting global warming."

Another cheerful note from the Buddha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great article, how do you find them all? I'm sure there will be all kinds of spending in the future on behalf of climate change, I know that they will come with their problems to. I just wish that every city and town in America have regular recycling pick up days, every house hold consume conservatively and be apart of local development decisions. Less government and more local initiatives, if we all just took care of our own backyard, think what an impact that would make.

By the way, have you seen these clean air commercials or the radio ads, everyone holding their breath running from outside to a stuffy recirculated building, like that's better than the air outside!!!! The ad on the radio kills me, something to the effect of "don't take another breath". Honestly, this triggers some urgency alright, to haul off and punch the guy that came up with this campaign grrrrrrrr!